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View Full Version : Patch today, Feb 22

02-22-2013, 04:57 PM
I've patched all the servers just now to fix a few issues.

- fixed a bug that prevented populated planets from mounting a proper defense
- applied a fix that should force looping combat to terminate
- doubled the starting size of the universe for games with a low player count

We've run into a snag with the client. The latest Xcode won't compile it, dozens of errors. Apparently something we use a lot has been removed, I mean how do you get warnings about using strings. Anyway, Z thinks fixing the problems isn't trivial, so the client update is going to take longer than expected.

03-13-2013, 10:46 PM
News? What's goin' on?

03-14-2013, 03:11 PM
Well right now I'm working on some of our backend software, upgrading them to support some of the changes that will be coming in the future. I've also been fixing combat bugs in the current server. The latest game on Mammetum has seen quite a bit of combat that has flushed some bugs out, probably over a hundred dreads lost in the last couple of days. I think it will be another Raven win.