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View Full Version : Beta please?

09-12-2011, 04:02 AM
I signed up for this site a really long time ago. I remember when you guys did not even know of you could have a beta. I log on every now and then and always miss the beta sign up. I have been looking forward to this game for about 9 months now and would love it if you could show me some love and let me help test the game.

09-12-2011, 11:37 AM
Sadly all of the keys are used. We don't have any keys left to give out. Apple only assigns us 100 keys. It doesn't take much to fill it up. This beta filled up within 24 hours after opening it. We randomly selected people, and chose a few specific people due to devices they had.

We really wish we could invite more people, but sadly it's not possible.

09-12-2011, 02:04 PM
I remember talking about that around January. It's fine I found the site again and got it book marked I will make sure to check back daily.