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View Full Version : Android release?

02-22-2012, 09:27 AM
Are there any prospects for an Android release in the future? This kind of game really appeals to me, but, of course, if it's only on iOS then I would be shit out of luck.

02-23-2012, 02:25 AM
Hi Nitrous - We're not opposed to porting the game to Android but honestly right now we simply don't have the resources to do so. Since the game itself is entirely server side we could easily have Android players (or PC, or Max, etc..) play in the same games as iOS players but it will require a new client which would take more man power than we have right now since we're a very small team.

Anyhow, the short answer is if the iOS launch of Empire goes well it's likely we'll port it to Android but it's definitely not in the works at this point in time.

02-24-2012, 05:12 AM
I would love this since I no longer use iOS and have an android phone (the motorola triumph) now which is why I disappeared from testing. If it is going to take forever to get it on android I might buy an ipad though...

02-27-2012, 07:50 PM
Hopefully it won't take forever but it's really hard to say right now. At our current bandwidth I'd put an Android release at least six months out as a port would most likely come after the visual combat upgrade, ipad optimized client, and other high demand yet comparatively lower cost upgrades to the game.

02-28-2012, 03:05 PM
At this rate I'm never going to have any time to play... :( Sounds like I'm going to be locked in a room and coding for the rest of my days.. Now where did I put that Samsung Galaxy Tablet...

02-28-2012, 09:25 PM
I would love this since I no longer use iOS and have an android phone (the motorola triumph) now which is why I disappeared from testing. If it is going to take forever to get it on android I might buy an ipad though...

That is no good! What will the SCAT alliance be without you? CAT? That is not nearly as intimidating....

03-04-2012, 02:05 AM
That is no good! What will the SCAT alliance be without you? CAT? That is not nearly as intimidating....

Trom, it'll be ok.. Spart wasn't a very good player anyhow. He was always too busy trying to kill people. You should hook up with Roshi, then you can call your alliance CART. :)