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View Full Version : Anachronox now available on GOG.com

03-15-2012, 11:06 PM
Ok, so this isn't related to Empire directly but one of the side benefits of being El Presidente is that you get to go off topic. :)

Anyhow, Anachronox was the first game I had the privilege to work on as professional and to this day it and it's team are still near and dear to my heart. It's not without it's flaws but the story and world have some of the best humor and writing I've ever seen in a game.

You can read Rock Paper ShotGun's write up here - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/03/15/the-wait-is-over-anachronox-is-on-gog-com/

or go directly to it on GOG.com here - http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/anachronox#reviews=5