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View Full Version : How/When to Join Server Games

05-21-2012, 02:16 AM
I've been wondering, how and when does a game start? Is there a time limit before a server starts up a match, or is there a number of players that needs to be filled? I would think that a lot of players would want to join at random, and starting a server for every group of random players might not be efficient, so how are server games handled?

05-21-2012, 04:36 PM
Currently you have two choices for starting a game, Tutorial Servers and Regular. On a tutorial server players can join at any time and your home sector is protected but tutorial games don't contribute to global scores / ranking. When starting a regular game you sign up to join a server and once that server is full or 24 hours have passed the game begins. If you've enable push you'll receive a notification once the game begins.