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View Full Version : sector exploration

05-27-2012, 05:47 PM
I just did a full sweep of my sector but the exploration still shows it as 99%
Now is this normal or can you have 100%?
Also, I don't think I missed any sectors, but if I did miss one it seams to be impossible to tell which one I miss.

05-27-2012, 05:59 PM
Same here. Maybe unexplored sectors have a dark tint to them to help identify?

05-27-2012, 06:12 PM
I just did a full sweep of my sector but the exploration still shows it as 99%
Now is this normal or can you have 100%?
Also, I don't think I missed any sectors, but if I did miss one it seams to be impossible to tell which one I miss.

It is hard to tell which have been missed, but go through and look again. The one(s) which have been missed have a very dark grey dot in the middle. Hard to see, but they are there.

05-27-2012, 06:20 PM
There are 625 sectors per Galaxy. If you go to the Diplomacy section where you can message people and change Status, you can highlight yourself and click on Details. In your exploration section it will tell you how many sectors you have explored. You will probably find you are a few short of 625.

05-27-2012, 06:55 PM
Unexplored sectors have lighter borders and a dot in them. If you look closely, you will find the sectors that were skipped. I've seen skipped sectors as a side effect of a server restart, or, a funky destination of the ship that ends up skipping sectors along the way.

05-27-2012, 07:39 PM
Suggestion on this, make the dots easier to see or even have numbers on the sector tiles. It's sort of difficult having 10 probes for a sector sweep and lining them up properly.

05-27-2012, 07:54 PM
I wouldn't want the dots to become a visual distraction though. But yeah, maybe making them a little easier to distinguish would help. Sucks when you miss one of the 625 Sectors... It's like searching for a needle in a haystack.

05-27-2012, 09:42 PM
There are 625 sectors per Galaxy. If you go to the Diplomacy section where you can message people and change Status, you can highlight yourself and click on Details. In your exploration section it will tell you how many sectors you have explored. You will probably find you are a few short of 625.

I clicked on detail tab but nothing happens ;/

05-27-2012, 09:47 PM
I just double checked to make sure I was explaining it right. The icon at the top of the screen that looks like two people standing next to each other with arrows facing one another, click on that. Then the list of players in your server will be shown. Find your name in that list (alphabetical) and highlight your name, by clicking on it. Once you've done that, you should be able to click the "Details" button on the bottom middle-right of the screen. It should bring up a pop-up window and "Exploration" should be the second stat I believe. There it will tell you how many Sectors you have explored.

05-27-2012, 09:50 PM
Yap, that's what I did. Not sure if there was a connection problem that would not bring up the details. I will try it again. Thanks ;)

05-27-2012, 10:00 PM
The detail thing is great, but didn't help much because I've explored more than one sector.
However the gray dot was a great way to track down the sector.
Thanks for help guys!

05-27-2012, 10:18 PM
LOL, whoops. Well, glad we could help in some way.