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View Full Version : Diplomacy Suggestion.

05-29-2012, 01:07 AM
The tutorial states that the default diplomacy is Embargo. However, all servers are set for peace as the default. What I'd like to see is in setting Embargo would not allow other players into your orbit for more than a set amount of time. If they stay there longer, all ships fire and hopefully destroy said blockage runner.

05-29-2012, 10:20 PM
What I'd like to see is in setting Embargo would not allow other players into your orbit for more than a set amount of time. If they stay there longer, all ships fire and hopefully destroy said blockage runner.

I don't know if this idea would be very popular with people who don't play compulsively like us. Plus, when I'm asleep, my probes will just hang out at the end of the path I set them on. I don't mean to keep them there, nor did I know there would be a system there when I arrived. Embargo doesn't mean "blow up loiterers."

05-30-2012, 01:14 AM
Get off my lawn! *shakes phaser*