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View Full Version : Research Suggestions

05-29-2012, 04:54 PM
1. Within the Queue the ability to "slide" techs around. Currently if I have 7 things queued and I want to swap #2 and #5 I have to cancel everything from #2 down and then re-double click in the proper order.

2. From the tech trees it might be beneficial to be able to add something to start right away. Say you've maxed out your ships and want to get another level of advanced shipyards going immediately. It would save having to delete your entire queue just to move it up top.

05-29-2012, 06:04 PM
This would be high on my request list, also.

05-29-2012, 06:08 PM
That's a good suggestion, we'll put it on the list for consideration. As for #2 are you suggesting that we start someone's research for them at the beginning of the game or are you just saying you'd like to be able to move something to the front on the que as an alternative to being able to slide them around?

05-29-2012, 07:29 PM
Sorry, not from the beginning of the game. I meant the latter, when I select something from one of the Fleet/Combat/Science/Trade tabs I could choose to put it in to begin research immediately instead of at the end of the queue.

Though the ability to slide in the queue would make this less necessary.