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View Full Version : Trader Victory Conditions

06-08-2012, 10:49 AM
I see I'm finally starting to accrue co & ro. Now my question is, is this totaled from all my colonies or only my home world? Also, if I spend money is it subtracted from win condition? I'm guessing only my home world counts for my totals, what else would the matter transmitter be used for.

06-08-2012, 01:36 PM
I see I'm finally starting to accrue co & ro. Now my question is, is this totaled from all my colonies or only my home world? Also, if I spend money is it subtracted from win condition? I'm guessing only my home world counts for my totals, what else would the matter transmitter be used for.

It's a meter of the income you make from ALL trade; so the more trade routes, the better. AFAIK, this includes all your colonies, and also includes trade routes that others have set up with you. I would like to add that you would have A LOT more income from trade had you not declared war on me *ahem*.

06-08-2012, 01:48 PM
Sorry about that, I though this server was pretty much dead as there are tons of idle players. No hard feelings. I'm still learning the ropes so I'm sure you'll get me back. I won't attack or steal your outposts now that I know your actually playing. Good luck.