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View Full Version : Forum Suggestion

06-29-2012, 01:21 AM
Wow, I don't know how you guys keep up in here. There are so many ideas and suggestions. So here is one that might make your task easier.
1) Possibly make permanent sub-catagories for say Ships, Production, Colonization, etc. you can expand layers as you see fit for each

2) Start a Devs suggestion area for things that you may want to implement. Implement the voting - see below

3) This a biggie in my opinion - Put a like or dislike or a yes or no at the end of of each post or at least at the end of each new thread post as a means to vote. (including Devs suggestions) There are many ideas that I don't necessarily want to have to post to, but would definitely take a second to throw in a vote. This would also let you see at a glance what is getting the most attention and whether or not it is wanted by the masses.

I assume the facebook "Like" at the top is meaningless?

06-30-2012, 01:45 AM
The Facebook "Like" links the thread to FB