How does that work?
Cargos sent to player. Nothing happens...
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How does that work?
Cargos sent to player. Nothing happens...
To set up a trade route send a ship (harvester, cargo ship, freighter) to the other player's planet you want to trade with. When you select your ship while it's at their planet there will be a new icon you can select to set up the trade right (to the right of the harvesting icon). Select that, then select the destination planet (whichver planet of yours you want the route to go to) to set up the route.
The only thing Vander left out is that you must be a Peace with said player. Servers are supposed to start with Embargo as the default setting, which won't allow you to trade. So contact the person you want to trade with and ask for a Peace setting so you set up that Trade Route.
Also there is a bug that doesn't allow you to set up more than one trade from a planet per day, that's on the to be fixed list.
do both players have to set the diplomacy to peace?
Nowni learned to trade but server is gone... Sh!t