They should be up now. If you are still encountering an issue let us know.
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They should be up now. If you are still encountering an issue let us know.
I'm still experiencing the issue - nvm fixed
its ok now thx
Still can't connect to the character (Thelip) I created while unregistered and paid for. Thanks!
I was able to play for approx. 5 min, now I again received an error maessage, that the server is not availible. The error message, says to visit the forums to see if servers are down. :)
I have had app crash a lot. A refresh button would be cool as this restarting is pissing me off a lot. But it's an awesome game none the less.
Could you please let us know what iDevice you are running and the iOS version you are on. It will help us narrow down the issue and see if we can figure out why the app is crashing for you.
Do you mean the app crashes out completely, or it is locks up waiting on a screen? You can submit bug reports with screen shots by touching the screen with 3 fingers. It will go a long way to helping us resolve any oddities.
Thanks for the feed back.
I have iPhone 4s latest apple update.
Crashes are back to main apple home page with all other apps on. Have had 5 of them while playing on and off all day at work breaks. Their wifi. Also my wifi. 3 g not tried.
I have had about 15 server message errors saying something like server lost connection? Or similar.
Complete crashes happen I hit the planet tab at top of game screen.
I will bug report with screen shots over time if I can. I had no other apps running.
But chaps. A bit thank you for this game I love it already. I expect bugs. I know you love this game as much as me. Well probably a lot more.
I have had this too "Unable to contact login server. Please try again later." However, it seems to be settling down as the day goes on. I am just looking at this as a teething problem. I am sure it will work its self out the more they tweak stuff. I am having fun getting my feet wet :)