As I am going through this game a few questions have popped into my head:

-Is there any point in building more than one of each type of orbital per planet? To me it would be fairly obvious that orbitals such as the jumpgate beacon only require 1 around a single planet, but what about the shipyard, refinery, science station etc...? would building more than one of them compound on top of the stats boost that the original had? Or is it just sufficient to have one of each around each planet?

-Do I only own one of the planets in my starting solar system? All of the planets show up in the planets menu so I would guess that I do own them, but if that is the case then why is the population on them at 0u? Also how do I increase the number of people on my colonies? Do I need to send a colony ship there?

-At what point do you get more factories? Is it 1 factory per 100Mu people?

These are some questions I am sure a few other people are wondering about as well.
