
This morning diplomats from the Cheerio and Spartanius trade empires traveled across the galaxy to convene at an undisclosed location to discuss Nergal politics.

At 11:51 hours a trade agreement was signed that will bring these two empires into a formal alliance.

Alliance representatives announced the following:
"Both of our Empires see a lot of good coming from this union. The purpose of this alliance is not, as many have suspected, complete, total, absolute, all-encompassing, and universal domination, but rather the intent is to promote capitalism and build the intergalactic economy of Nergal. It is our belief that all of Nergal can benefit from this alliance, but let us be clear in saying that both empires will protect each other in the case of invasion or any other aggression shown by other entities in Nergal."
He then went on to make this declaration:
"The SCAT alliance "Spartanius and Cheerio Alliance for Trading" has claimed primary trading rights for Sector 0.0 and Sector 3.3. If you are interested in trading in those Sectors please direct your tradeships to our colonies where our highly skilled extractors will fill your holds. Anyone found trading with other empires will have trade rights with SCAT revoked and will be dealt with.
When asked about the battlecruiser fleets roaming through G3.3 under Spartanius colors the representative explained that those are escorts for the newly formed trade routes in that sector. He would not comment on the recent ownership change of planet 1545.