Moving ships between galactic sectors takes too many clicks. While the map button is nice for overview, it's impractical for moving ships. Example:

I have a ship near the border to another galactic sector and I want to move it to a system somewhat near the border of the other galactic sector. I click the ship and select move. Now:

1. Click map button
2. Double click the bordering galactic sector
3. Click and swipe until I reach the right area of the galactic sector

And now I can select the system to which I want to move. This is four clicks and a swipe. This may not sound much, but it could be done much quicker:

In the "galactic sector map" (I don't know the proper name, but I mean the main map with the systems etc) you could make the area of the bordering galactic sector clickable, so that when you click that area the viewed galactic sector changes to the one you just clicked. The area you view would stay the same (if this sentence makes any sense?) so if you wanted to move to a system somewhat close to the border, you wouldn't need to click and swipe to find the right location.

With this proposed feature, the four clicks and a swipe would be reduced to one click! Okay, possibly a double click, but still, it would be much faster and less tedious. Please consider implementing this feature.