I noticed some (possibly) buggy behavior after I believe I took someone's homeworld and submitted a bug report. However, it did get me to thinking, what exactly happens if you lose your homeworld for 24 hours? The youtube video guide mentions that your planets stop producing resources during that 24 window, and that you are eliminated if you do not retake your homeworld after 24 hours. What does this elimination look like?

1) Are you automatically removed from that server (ie, no longer able to join that server)?

2) Do other players (and/or your attacker) get any notification when this 24-hour window has passed?

3) What happens to your other planets/orbitals/ships in-game? (ie, do you still show up on the galaxy list, do your other planets/orbitals/ship just sit idle or do they still carry out actions like defending when at-war?)

4) If your HW gets PK'd, does all of this happen instantly or do you get any type of notification as a player as to what happened?