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Thread: And so it begins...

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  1. #8
    Planet Date 05272012: Johnson got the probe turned around today. I'm happy to report we have not discovered any aliens yet. Yet being the keyword as other probes have found possible life supporting planets. Those planets will have to be scanned one at a time until we get new probes. I don't have the resources to build new ones so we will have to make due. I have Johnson working on getting the first outposts ready to go. There are five other planets in our system that we will be able to mine from. Volunteers for mining duty shouldn't be an issue. People are bored out of their minds here.

    Dr. Sassern has been researching the local plant life. Wants to talk to me about helping the population along. I'm pretty sure she doesn't mean playing 'hide the tentacle'.

    "You wanted to see me Dr. Sassern?"

    "You know you don't have to be so formal Commander. You can call me Janice."

    Maybe she does want to play with my tentacle. "Really now. I kinda thought you were totally focused on your work?"

    "Well of course I am. What does that have to do with you calling me Janice?"

    "Oh, well it sounded like..."

    "Like what Commander?"

    "....You wanted to talk to me about helping the population along?"

    "Oh, yes, I have been doing some research with the local plant life and I believe I have isolated a chemical reaction that will increase human reproduction."

    "Really. I thought you scientists were more into clones?"

    "No. A-sexual reproductions would not have sufficient genetic diversity to sustain a viable population. For a population to continue and grow there has to be procreation with genetic diversity."

    Smile. "You don't say."

    "Oh yes Commander, a female of our species can not get pregnant without procreating."

    "Yeah, I'm aware of that Janice. Tell me Janice how old are you?"

    "Twenty-six my next birthday."

    "Okay. You were in school for how long?"

    "Six years. Top of my class and one year ahead of standard average certification period."

    "Of course you were. You have never had sex before. Have you?"

    "Sex...? Oh, you mean procreating. No Commander. I have not."

    "Yeah, us non genius types call it sex. You know I might be able to help you with some research."

    "That would be great commander. What kind of research did you want to help me with?"

    Sigh... "Sex. Fornication. You know nothing about it and you really should have some first hand experience, which I am more than happy to provide you."

    "That is very generous of you sir."

    "It will be my pleasure. I assure you."

    "When did you want to do this research?"

    "We can do it right now if you like."

    "Great. Let me get my Holo-book so I can take notes."

    "No problem. Make sure it has plenty of charge in it. This may take awhile."

    "Okay." Type, type, type. "Procreation notes. Male Commander Marked. Female... Sir who is the female you will be procreating with?"

    Blink...Blink... "What?"

    "Who is the female you will be procreating ... having sex with."

    "You mean you don't know?"

    "No sir. You have not told me and I need it for my notes. That way I will be able to compare traits your offspring have with you and her."

    "My offspring?"


    "Goodbye Dr." Walks out of the lab.

    Smile. "Goodbye Commander."
    Last edited by Marked; 05-28-2012 at 07:56 AM.

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