Of course quietly amassing a huge empire of resources is the best the long term strategy, but is it the most fun?

The problem with that style of play, in my opinion, is that it's kind of boring. I am curious to see how the game pans out, but with 150+ players, I'm guessing the winner is going to be someone on the other side of the galaxy from me that I never even encounter over the course of 2 months. He'll blow up 15 planets or stars I've never seen, or use his vast network of harvesters to get the trade win without me having much to do with it. I know I'm not going to be the last man standing, so to spend two months shuffling harvesters around and trying not to piss anyone off feels like a pretty banal exercise. I'm not out to be an aggressive jerk, but if it means some interesting multiplayer interaction, I'd rather do that than play it like a singleplayer game.

But again, we'll see how it pans out. While I do like the idea of a single winner, the largely "individual" win conditions make me think the game can be won by ignoring everyone else in the game. That kind of defeats the point of an "MMO" game like this, doesn't it?