Ok, since you guys seem determined to sort out the formula for trade here it is. It's actually fairly complicated so hence the simplification in the tutorial. Of course ideally we'll get things in place to show you what you're getting from your trades a little more clearly so getting to the nitty gritty like this won't be so necessary.

1 trade vessel per planet per player
Trade Value = ((CargoCapacity*Distance) / 10
Trade Value cannot exceed 2x CargoCapacity,
Trade Value cannot be greater than the combined resources available of the two planets trading. If Trade Value is greater than the combined resources of the two planets then Trade Value = Planet A's Resources + Planet B's resources.
Players Counterfeiting and Contracts Management values should = their CF/CM Rank * 10.

Revised Subtotal Forumla
Player A Sub Total = ((Trade Vale / 100)*((50 - PlayerB's Counterfeighting Value) + Player A's Contracts Management Value)

Player B Sub Total = ((Trade Vale / 100)*((50 - PlayerA's Counterfeighting Value) + Player B's Contracts Management Value)

* Note, the sub total is then divided into CO and RO in the same proportion as the planet that the player is receiving resources from.

Player A Source Planet CO Percentage =
Player A Planet CO amount / ((Player A Planet CO amount + Player A Planet RO amount) / 100))

Player A Source Planet RO Percentage =
Player A Planet RO amount / ((Player A Planet CO amount + Player A Planet RO amount) / 100))

So then the amount of resources that Player B recieves from player A would then look like this:

Player B Total CO Received = (Player B Subtotal / 100) * Player A Source Planet CO Percentage.
Player B Total RO Received = (Player B Subtotal / 100) * Player A Source Planet RO Percentage.

and then you'd do the same thing for Player A but flipped.

- By limiting the total value that can be gathered in a single trip to the ships cargo capacity this also keeps trade in balance with the established planetary resource generation rates.

- By keeping the values of CO / RO traded in proportion to the values present on the respective player's planets so RO will stay relatively rare and you won't be able to get RO from a player that has no RO to trade.