Maybe by the end of two months you could get 900K even with Trading, but it still doesn't negate the fact that 1 Super Capital Ship could take out a force equal to its attack rating in One Shot. I like how Lee described the way combat works before he realized there was a Trample function in all combat. Just think about like this, for a mental reference:

Let's say a Super Dreadnaught has an attack of 200 and a Defense of 250 (I don't know what is is, as I'm a Trader and can't build them) and he's attacking a force of Destroyers. The Super Dread would be able to one-shot 66 Destroyers if he fired first and not take any damage. If combat is simultaneous than he could one-shot 49 Destroyers and not be Destroyed. 50 Destroyers all firing simultaneously would Kill a Dread in one round, but there would only be 1 left standing if battles are simultaneous. If it is in Rounds, then you would need 50 Destroyers to get the first shot to kill a Dread without retaliation.