I think you all are missing the real point to the idea of the population defense idea. They have essentially created a method of preventing dedicated and skilled players from abusing players who essentially have no chance of defending against them. Basically Gateing the higher rankin players off from lower ranking players. Trust me taking out a colony with 20 dreds will be the least of your worries when you will have other players fleets to worry about.

No offense Supamad, but your play style is the particular reason why this design was implemented. They do not want people jumping home worlds and colonies early into their progression. They want these smaller ships ie. cruisers and destroyers to be fodder and used for general conflict and defense. There will be endless blood shed over strategic control of systems and whole galaxies at that matter. Worry more about that defense you so easily regard as a "game breaker". And maybe think about how much your going to need it in the coming months.