Quote Originally Posted by VanderLegion View Post
I look at that as Galaxy 3,1 being the sector located at location 3,1 on the galaxy map. System x,y would be the System located at location x,y on the Sector map. As AntiHaze said, there's only one galaxy, so having each square on the galaxy map be a galaxy makes no sense.
This was my initial thought as well. However the spartan reports definitely call the smallest squares sectors. So there are two problems:

1. If "Galaxy X,Y" names a square within the galaxy, why does "Sector X,Y" name a specific sector, as can be seen in SPARTAN reports and the "unexplored sector" description, etc. It would seem both naming conventions should work the same way, i.e. "Thing X,Y" should in both cases name a square within the "thing", or a "thing" itself, not the one in one case and the other in the other case.

2. If the large view is a single galaxy, as it appears, and the smallest squares are sectors, as they are called, WTH do we call the middle size squares?