Quote Originally Posted by Supamand View Post
I think your real goal is to limit players on the amount of planets they can hold. Well Devs actually working on improving this by "hiding" systems that are not assigned to players. What does that mean? Let's say the cap of players per game is 1300 but only 200 players join the game. What it will do is hide the other 1100 systems so that there will be nothing to grab.
Conversely, if Devs set up a long sign up server and allow for more players to join, it will leave fewer planets to grab.
That's not quite what they're doing if I understand correctly. My understanding is that the galaxy is generated based on the number of people who sign up, not the cap. So if 200 people sign up, the galaxy is generated with 200 starting systems +whatever else it has. Those 200 starting systems would be hidden until people joined, so if 180 people actually log in and play, the other 20 starting systems will be hidden. This doesn't affect all the other systems that are in the game outside of starting systems.