Quote Originally Posted by ChickenHawk07 View Post
So what exactly is the deal with the Planet Killer win? Taking Home Worlds fills the percentage bar for satisfying the War Lord win, but now I'm hearing that is a bug and only Planet Killers can be used to win for Warlord. What gives?!
The win conditions predate the specialties. Originally there were no specialties, and the win conditions were:

1. Conquer 50% of the HW systems.
2. Research up to build a device that destroys the universe
3. I forget the other, we could never figure out how to make it work.

Specialties were then introduced and it seems that I overlooked that normal HW conquering is not part of the warlord win. I know that pkills are recorded as a separate statistic, so I'll just have to correct the reporting of the win condition score. Unless it's a client bug.