Quote Originally Posted by AntiHaze View Post
I'm confused too. I have a long way to go before I hit 4 billion CO. I wish there was some way of knowing what you are going to get out of a trade when you set up a route. Something along the lines of "x CO/hour" would be helpful.
I think it would be awesome if that information would show up.
Because tutorial states that the longer the trip the better reward is. But it also states that for longer trips you need better ships...
One thing that tutorial did not say is if the other players planet resource balance has anything to do with the amount of resources you get, which is kinda shady because for instance RO can only be obtained from player planets that have it.

So from all of this I can assume the following equation:
CO=(distance*%factor)*(planet ore*%factor + planet RO*%factor)=value, if value > cargo capacity, then set value=cargo capacity.

Which brings us back to the point of not knowing what u get from a trade. If you set trade rout too close, you are not getting enough return. If you set the trade rout like 3 galaxies away, you will loose valuable resources and time.

If the design intent is to keep trade info secret, then we better hit the test server ;D