Quote Originally Posted by Trom View Post
Hello everyone! So I noticed that the site has been pretty dead lately and my phone keeps reminding me that the beta app is about to expire. Is there any news about the second round of testing or what is going on? I have been working 16 hour days for the past few months so I have been out of the loop for a while :P
We have a new version in the pipes. We took a step back and ended up redesigning how a lot of things worked. I will talk to Lee and get him to start putting up stuff about the update. It's a HUGE change. We really focused on how the different trees worked, and how we would like people to interact in the game.

The initial beta really provided us with a ton of insights, and a better idea of what people wanted, and were looking for in the game. Hopefully the next version of the game will give users what they were looking for. We plan to have a new version in the next couple of weeks at the most. Pending no major disasters.

We will be resuming the beta then.