It's funny, we had a lot of discussions after the first beta about taking our time to make sure it was right as opposed to just pushing it out the door. While the game looked good, and played "ok" it very well could have probably been pushed out.

In all honesty there are so many games out there that feel "unfinished", and leave you with an empty feeling after you play it. Be it a multiplayer game, or even something you buy outright. We want to make sure that when we release you are playing with a finished game, and not something we'll be promising to "fix" after we release.

Sure there will be stuff we will add to the game, but it's not because it should have been there in the first place. On the flip side we are self funded, so we can afford to take the time required to make sure things are done right. Since we don't have any pressure from a publisher (although our wives feel like publishers sometimes. )

Hopefully you will all be as pleased as we are with this next version. We tried to put a lot of thought in to the feed back we received during the last set of testing, and we think this is closer to what people were looking for.