Actually according to the rules, we are not allowed to even reference an outside subscription service in the application. We aren't allowed to even direct you to anywhere to sign up. ie - NetFlix as an app. Download that and you will see that all we could do is present the user with the log on screen.

That is one of the reasons we had to go with the method we are working on. Pretty much for the reasons AntiHaze listed. It's in the app, we are upfront about it, and there is no confusion as to how it works. We want to be fair, and forward with people. We are trying to make things as easy for the user as we possibly can. We are getting pretty close to having all the new code working the way we want it to. We'll post some screen shots of it all in the next little bit so you can see it. LeeDot made some changes to the FB site, and added the iTunes store screen shots for the game there if you haven't seen them: