Ok, we spoke with Apple this morning. It was a fairly good conversation about what we need to do exactly to get smoothly through the process. Now that we have the information, we can make the required changes. Visually it'll be pretty much the same as I outlined in my other post. The only difference will be that a person will not be required to create an account if they only want to play from a single device.

We can not require registration to play the game. With that being said we can set it up so the server will provide the system with a default user/password combo that doesn't require a registration to get in, but if you wish to access the game from multiple devices you will be required to signup. Although to be honest we would suggest you signup anyhow. It's always easier when you know your account information, rather than to have something provided for you.

This change will take a couple of days, and we should be resubmitting. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks this will all be behind us, and we can look forward to playing the game.