Quote Originally Posted by ravenzachary View Post
Awesome, thanks for the great overview.

I assume you will not allow one player to use multiple characters in a single game, correct?
Currently you are capped at 5 characters. Obviously each one requires it's own game time. We went back and forth over that quite a bit, and for now we will probably allow it since you could have more than one person playing the game. It doesn't mean you have one person playing all 5. We are not too sure how someone would manage 5 accounts.. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it will be watched. Depending on how things play out we may do other things.

For now you could buy 5 accounts, and play them all in the same game. The odds of starting any where near each other is pretty slim. We'll be keeping a close eye on it. We'll look at what we need to do if we see this being abused.. Maybe something that will show in game if there is someone with multiple characters from a single account.

Telling people who those people are, and then let the people kill that person early. No idea.. Guess we'll have to see how it goes.