Explore... I love uncovering new ground.

Exploit... I love to grow my Empire.

I'm not much for making friends ask Lee about parking my Planet Killer in his systems. While I didn't exterminate, it's all about the intimidation factor.

We are curious to see what people actually do. Right now with only 30 people in a game we can't get a good idea of what random people will do. I had someone ask me "Do we have to kill people? My comment was... In a normal game it's designed based on a 300x300 grid, that's 90,000 sectors. The big bang populates the universe based on the size of the grid and in this case generates around 13,000 planets. It also allows for 1500 players.

So if everyone played nice (which you and I know is impossible) that would allow for a around 9 planets each. I might be an explorer, but someones going to get exterminated.

Extermination isn't the only win though. There is an economic win, as well as an explorer win (explorer needs to find 13/25 somethings.. then hold them...).

Anyhow I digress..

Personal strategy.... Explore, diplomat, revenge seeker . Personally I'll probably be found going for the explorer win, with a side of trade.