Quote Originally Posted by ravenzachary View Post
Agreed! Part of the reason I posted that was because I seemed to be the only player doing the land grab strategy and at 150+ planets on Aruru, I felt like I was getting too far ahead of everyone. I did run into one other land grabber, but he started the process later than I and has a lot less planets.
Yeah, this is the major issue with the current system. You have already won Aruru, so what is the point in continuing for another 7 weeks? Granted, you have played this game before and no one else has, but still, you have the runaway win, no one is going to catch up to that. Even if I played aggressively, I'm not devoted enough to this game to hunt down 150 of your outposts. I think that's probably true of a lot of players, who will all just get left in the dust.

Somehow the game needs to acknowledge "micro-competition" within the larger "there can be only one" format. Not totally sure how to do that, but live scoreboards are a good start.