First of all, agreed to a 100%. nothing islacking more here. This is a severe, if not the major battle killer. Sending out a fleet saved for and produced for days, an arrival at the enemy makes 'something' kill your fleet or you kill 'whatever'.

I am currently really upset about this, as I found out that the 'report' tab in the communications area opens up another option to mail someone. Also, upon installing the app I was asked about push notices and gladly enabled all of them. Now there is no notification at all and I even don't find a menu for this ingame.

Honestly, in line with the lack of spying or probing this is like hide and seek while being blind and deaf.

As I'm working in games industry as well, I can't understand that these issues appear after beta, respectively at all. Other games like e.g. Planetarion showed the importance and necessity of proper information in recon and combat. That said, what remains is going for the tech tree in winning conditions or build a C&C like huge fleet to hurl around with.

I also know about money issues being a release force sometimes, and with a period of waiting for it that felt like forever, I really enjoyed the first days. But please focus again and get things in line. Else, I raise the worries that there will be no second month for many of us.