Would like to add something else that I thought of about the warlord scavenger ability. How often is that really going to come into effect? If they want to make it harder to take outposts and colonies, we are talking a week or two into the game at least before anybody has at least a dread fleet in decent numbers. Then they are gonna maybe start getting some of this extra co/ro. But taking a colony/hw is a pretty major deal now and more so with the changes proposed. So take the two or three day between building a big enough fleet in the current system, make that longer and then attack the planet. Ok so I took the planet now and lost a whole bunch ships. Gonna be a few more days till I can take a planet. Ok so warlords are gonna only getting a payout after a week or more and then only every now and then. I see the researcher getting the best deal with the current system, followed by the trader and still last warlord. Maybe I'm not imagining how fast a warlord is gonna be cruising around but taking planets will be the only thing bringing in money. Even with all these great changes there is still no reason to fight in open space unless I'm missing something. So it's gonna be one or two trading vessels a warlord eats for dinner, and I can't imagine those will net much. Maybe I'm missing something, can anybody enlighten me?