Originally Posted by
The only time connection failure ever poses more than a extremely minor inconvenience is went I am typing large mails, so I just type them in notes and copy/paste them over, problem solved. : D
Oh yeah, that happened to me the other day. Was super annoying...
But can't you just register the app as a VoIP application and use the setKeepAliveTimeout method to maintain your TCP connection for up to 10 minutes? http://developer.apple.com/library/i...mmingguide.pdf
Or you could even use the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler method to ensure the connection is not dropped.
Something like this?
UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier hangTight;
hangTight = [[UIApplicationsharedApplication]
/* if you exceed 10 minutes */
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:hangTight];