Everyone has the 1000 object limit. So everyone has the same constraint. It was always the plan that you couldn't defend everything. So what you do with the 1000 objects is your choice, you can focus on orbital defense, or on attacking power.

People will need to destroy things they deem unnecessary for their empire's growth. You can't defend everything ever, nor it that going to be our intent.

Whatever you do, you will always have weaknesses. While this came up in beta, the one thing we firmly believe is you shouldn't be able to secure every planet. We had a lot of people fighting over "meaningless" planets. Before we had trade, and the specialties it was important to acquire a lot of planets, but now it's not all about the land grab. You will need to trade and work together, utilizing the players around you to help you further your goals, think Survivor, or Big Brother.

We'll see how it plays out in a larger game, but at this point the object limits will not be changed.

As for:
Quote Originally Posted by Trom View Post
I agree that the limit could be restrictive, especially if you are a combat person who has a lot of planetary defense. Your ships would end up being extremely thinned out and your insides would be defenseless as you try and expand outward.
That's the combat guys biggest weakness. Find their core, to destroy their empire. People have to make choices, then learn from those choices.. Warlords need to make the choices that work before for them.. Do they need things like "Jump Drive Operation" (Fleet Tree) which allows all Carriers, Dreadnaughts, Super Dreads, Monitors and PKs the ability to jump (+5 non capitol ships can jump per rank), or something like "Hyperspace Physics" (Science) so they can enter sectors with Black holes then go for something like "Jumpgate Construction" to allow them to jump ships via a gate.

With the jumping ability if you create jump beacons in your home sector you can easily jump your fleets home. You just need to make sure you either build jump gates, or have the fleet skills to allow for jumping. We felt that adding that ability (as well as push so you are notified when you are attacked) give the warlord a "flexible" play style to move their ships around quickly. If they choose...