You both are correct. So let's just leave it at that. So far no one was been charged more than the initial $2 for the first month. The Devs have repeatedly said they will be waiving as many months as necessary until the game is up to snuff. I do agree with Cerberus that time is money. And it definitely sucks to lose it outright. Three servers being lost completely is not acceptable. However, as I have said in the past, this is basically an Open Beta right now. The beta they held before was more of a closed beta and not representative of the actual gaming experience. Both we, the players, and the Devs have learned that the hard way. We with our time, and them with their time AND money. $2 is nothing. Imagine not being paid for your job for 3 years. That's basically what they're going through right now. And they will continue to be put in that position until they get the kinks worked out. The more new players see THAT, the better.

And on the subject of unanswered threads, there are three people running this game and forum right now. Do you want answers for a win condition that 1 month from now will NE completely invalid? The game play and style are being changed as I type this. I personally want them working on getting the game
Right, rather than replying to multiple threads about the same thing.