You really can't fault the Devs for the failure of the "closed" beta either. Apple only gives out 100 Keys and of those 100 Keys, only 20-30 people consistently played in the beta. This game is truely something that has never been attempted before on an apple mobile device, or any mobile device for that matter. So it's important to keep that in mind when filing complaints. And believe me Cerberus, I was one of the first people to freak out when Aruru was Coldstarted on accident. The Devs learned from that mistake and no Server since has been Coldstarted. Unfortunately now they are dealing with another loss of gameplay data (and time units per player). I'm hopeful the Devs will learn from this mistake (be it buying larger HDD platters, or never buying Seagate Enterprise HDDs) Whichever the case may be, I'm confident they'll make sure it never happens again.

Of course there will always be more unseen issues which arrives. Hopefully they have the player base and the income to get backups for their backup RAIDs.